Wednesday, December 31, 2014

You know you are in The Rio Grande Valley when...

You go to a Chinese restaurant and hear Hip Hop music.

You see a tracker in the fast lane.

You only see 4 white people in the mall and they are all over 55.

Your local high school looks like a maternity ward.

You need ID to travel to another part of the state by car.

Your niece or nephew is older than you.

You are the only one at the grocery store without food stamps.

No one seems to be able to speak English or Spanish properly.

You go to apply for a job and you see people who brought their young kids.

Wal-mart looks like a border crossing.

The majority of wheels cost more than the cars.

You consider Freddy Fender a celebrity.

People start to wear jackets when the temperature drops below 70.

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