Sunday, April 12, 2015

Kid Fit in Harlingen

Had a chance to attend Kid Fit today. After last weeks Autism Day turn out, I expected it to be dead. Waking up to rainy weather only increased my expectation to be disappointed. Happily, I was wrong. There was a great turn out and the weather changed for the better. 

The vendors were very friendly and many had a chance to do demos of their services in front of the main stage. A company called Life of the Party came with many characters. It really helped to build a fun atmosphere to the entire event. At first, I thought the characters were hired by the city and I was thinking it was a great idea by the city.  I found out later it was Life of the Party because there were right by our favorite martial arts school's kiosk, Honorable Warrior Martial Arts. 
I took my son with autism to the event. I was hoping to get him in a bounce castle because it's a good thing for him to play on and I don't have to worry about him running off when he's in one. Unfortunately, I had to register for a paper bracelet for him. I tried to explain that he wasn't going to wear it. It fell on deaf ears. It came off multiple times rather quickly. Then I had to carry him to multiple vendors that he had no interest in. He had to get 8 punch holes in the paper bracelet, so that, he could get a blue bracelet to get in the bouncing castle. So, as my son was highly agitated about the whole thing. I had to wait for these poor vendor's to give their pitch just to get whole punches. I'm not sure who it was worse for; them, me, or my son. 

I would highly recommend people to show up next year if you haven't been. It's a great cause and a lot of fun for almost everyone. 

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